Tilting At Windmills
Friday, December 9, 2011 at 7:02PM
David Antrobus in Publishing, Road Trip, Writing, books, internet, prairies, wind farms, xkcd

Of course, this isn't all going to be about me and my introspective self, it's going to be about writing, too... and publishing... and books... and writers and readers, and the overlaps therein. Oh, and sex. Okay, maybe not sex, unless you consider language sexy, in which case, you have my blessing.

Earlier I was talking about the two trips I took across the continent of North America, coast to coast, so to speak. This second time, I saw plenty of changes, not least (in a physical sense) the incredible number of wind farms that had sprouted most everywhere the land lay flat and the air moved fast. Thinking about all this, I came across the following:

Similar thoughts had crossed my own mind, but that last panel is genius. Anyway, you gotta love the Web and I couldn't have asked for better timing. And, bonus, it's always worth a plug for the incomparable xkcd.

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also writes for Indies Unlimited and BlergPop. Be sure to check out his work there if you like what you read here.

Article originally appeared on The Migrant Type (http://www.the-migrant-type.com/).
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