Rhymes With Bitch

Once we include all the things we think, it will be so much bigger than a novel.
Everything grows then dies. Which itch do we deign to scratch?
Them charcoal peaks off a ways. Daubed like watery oils on horizons, come eve, come dawn. You feel you could ride out to meet them and never reach 'em, even if you rode a hunnerd years straight. Our place is flat. This land is flat. Flat's pretty much everthin' we see. Yet we see those peaks like hunched gray notions or long-abandoned questions. And we keep on dreaming up brand new strife.
She woke and could barely see, let alone summon answers. She tried to squint and found her left eye a tad more operational. She lay still and breathed her own damp flannel funk while taking visual inventory.
She was lucky because she liked herself.
Had I been there, I might even have loved her right there and then. Loved her and hoped she'd love me back.
But that ain't the story, and the folks that rode into town, made their sly inquiries, then made a beeline for her place, had no such sentiments.
She never brushed her teeth that morning 'cause she had no reason to believe it was any special kind of morning. She woke to the taste of pepper chicken and sickly gin-based sediment. Had she brushed her teeth the night before, in accordance with habit? Maybe. She thought so, but she had to admit she was doubtful.
She did swallow a skinful of water, though, this bright morn. Head back, gullet tight, abandoned.
A bovine pelvic hitch.
You think you know rape. Well, you don't. You don't. Ain't about bitterness or poontang or power, none of that. You can't reduce it to a single component, and you can't raise it on some pedestal it don't merit. It's a weak fist and a standup flinch, brutal and unblessed. It's near as bad as it ever gets, cocksure and cuntstruck, but it ain't no singular evil. It screams endless, chews up multitudes, rends tenets, tears ardor.
It's a tear in the fabric of us.
The air in a room is more spray, fine unholy beads coughed scarlet from these ruined pneumatic plights.
Bless this mist. Preach it. Senseless conflict governs and defines our species.
The aspen shudders like the northern nightscape quakes—green, yellow, gold, ochre, blazes, rage—our dear, demented earth pitching fits.
Something familiar, rhymes with "I'll kill ya," it ain't just the night but the day of the hunter. Who sure ain't right no more.
Hear this. Speak this. Hurry. The quailing breath of some tracked, exhausted quarry. The peripheral ticking of a vehicle claimed by a ditch.
Humans. Each of you ask, am I hunter or prey? Unclasped, I want your tusks. Your horns. Your sultry pelt. Your soft underbelly. Your goddamned humidity. What about you do I relinquish now? What about me do you wreck?
"What are you? What do you relish?"
"I'm a girl."
"What's your goal?"
"Don't matter."
"I disagree."
"Yeah, you would. Play a song for us. Walk on two strong legs and shriek at the heavens."
"You ain't right in the head, bitch."
"Uh-huh. Pay it back. Pay it all back, you terrible, terrible motherfucker."
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