Join Me For a Bublish/Twitter Chat

What is Bublish? It may sound kind of like a brand of gum, but it's actually a "social book discovery platform" whose president, Kathy Meis, has been tireless in her enthusiasm and support for authors. I feel like I owe her and Bublish a debt, having uploaded two of my books to the site and created four of what they call "book bubbles," all at no cost other than the effort it takes to create them. Anyway, take a look and see what you think. This is what a "bubble" looks like (click to enlarge):
The reason I'm directing your attention their way is that they've asked me to take part in something called a Twitter Chat this Thursday, September 12 at 3:00 pm Eastern Time (Noon Pacific) and I would love it if my friends and those who have enjoyed my writing in any way, shape or form could show up and ask me deeply bizarre or even eminently sensible questions. It might be fun, kind of.
It's an odd coincidence that this is happening on September 12, given the subject matter of Dissolute Kinship, but I suppose it's fortuitous. If by fortuitous I mean weird.
To join the party, go to Twitter and you will need to include @BublishMe in your tweet along with the hashtag #bublish. And then I suppose you'll ask me directly, so my Twitter handle is, fairly unsurprisingly and most unimaginitively, this: @DavidAntrobus
See you on Thursday if you can make it. I'll be on my best behaviour and no jokes from me about nuns or garden gnomes or even yoga pants. You, however, can go wild.
Update: Given today's date, I created a new book bubble at the site, which you can see here. It's a short reflection on the interconnectivity of our species, through the joy and tragedy common to us all. (Also, click on image below.)